Last week I was sent a lovely little DM through twitter from Creative Review's Neil Ayres inviting Art at Heart to the first ever crtweetup.
As part of the London Design Festival, Creative Review are hosting an event in celebration of their success at being one of the most followed magazines on twitter (as I publish this post the current figure is a staggering 178,943 followers). As a thankyou for their support, 300 of the magazines most loyal twitter followers have been invited to attend an evening to remember at the Design Museum sponsored by Lego and Moleskin - and @artatheartuk was one of them.
I was excited beyond belief to be invited, however as blogging isn't my full time career and living 'up north' with pre-scheduled business arrangements it mean't that I was unable to attend. Imagine that, getting invited to something as cool as crtweetup and not being able to go!
So tonight folks I hope you'll join me in eagerly following the progress of what is sure to be a trending topic on twitter for anyone thats interested in advertising, design and visual culture. #crtweetup
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