Anyone who follows me on twitter will know that I recently had a rant about a printer ruining a lovely design job for me. The paper I specified was 9lives 100% recycled uncoated stock, what I got back was a very average stock silk.
Arjowiggins, clearly on the ball with their marketing picked up on my 9lives tweet and asked if there was anything they could do to help. Impressed I began dialogue with Lara Whitfield their Marketing Communications Manager who after several helpful and friendly emails very kindly asked for my address to send me some goodies. Down on my luck with print, I was sent not one, but two lucky black 9lives branded cats!
A lot of people do twitter marketing so badly - I've lost count of the number of people who have unfollowed me simply because I did not blog about their product. In todays crowded market it is refreshing to see a company who understands the customer and engages in true customer retention marketing. Good work!
Now, anyone want to see how well my lucky black cats are settling in living with 2 Dalmatian dogs? Looks like they'll need all 9 lives!
Images © Art at Heart all rights reserved